All posts by Matthias Rauer

Google Protects Customers from Copyright Claims for AI-generated Content

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AI technologies are uncharted territory on many levels – and the consequences of their use are sometimes unclear and far from being negotiated. What about the legal side, for example? Specifically, what happens when companies use AI-generated images and texts in public communication? One thing is clear: if a company violates copyrights with its content, it can become unpleasant and expensive. So should teams shift down a gear when it comes to using AI and, if in doubt, refrain from using it? Google offers customers of the office and social collaboration suite Google Workspace a way out of this dilemma.

Google Workspace Update November 2023 – Continuous Development for Your Team’s Collaboration and Communication

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If your team works with Google Workspace regularly, you will likely have noticed that things have changed almost overnight. These changes are both large and small. There have been some minor changes within the collaboration tools and significant changes to the functionality of their main tools. Thanks to the Workspace updates, you can familiarise yourself with all the new features at a glance, share the changes with your team and adapt to them. Here is an overview of the latest features and changes for Google Workspace.

Jira Work Management – Bridging the Gap between Technical and Business Teams

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When non-technical teams jump on board the Jira solution for technical teams, they are confronted with features and terms that are aimed at technical requirements and only reflect the needs of business teams to a limited extent. But Jira Cloud is now also helping these teams: with Jira Work Management, all business teams can work on products in the Jira environment, turn ideas into projects and play their part in creating customer value. In this blog post, we would like to present the latest functions that Atlassian has recently delivered for Jira Work Management.

8 Advantages of Modern Cloud Software – Results of An Atlassian Survey

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As the infrastructural basis for modern enterprise software, the Cloud platform has what it takes to transform working life for the better and help companies achieve greater flexibility, productivity and efficiency in an increasingly complex competitive landscape. And the results of a recent survey among Atlassian customers who have completed the migration from on-premise to the Cloud show that these are not just marketing slogans and sales promises.

A Development Platform That Brings Teams and Technologies Together: Atlassian Compass Is Now Available!

A development platform that brings teams and technologies together: Atlassian Compass is now available! - thumbnail

The world of software development is more complex than ever before and the expectations and demands on technical teams have increased dramatically: not only do they have to write high-quality code and deliver valuable products, but they also have to deal with constantly evolving security risks, configure cloud services, automate testing and implement monitoring tools. In addition, microservices, APIs and frameworks are becoming more and more common, and modern development teams are highly distributed. Given the technical complexity, building world-class development teams is not only a technology problem, but also a collaboration challenge. A new Atlassian product is stepping up to solve both aspects: Atlassian Compass is now available!

Service Portfolio Management – A Bridge Between ITSM and Corporate Strategy

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One of the ITSM practices that the ITIL framework describes is Service Portfolio Management. According to ITIL, the purpose of this approach is to ensure that organizations have the right mix of programs, projects, products and services to execute their organizational strategies within the constraints of financial and resource limitations. This is quite abstract and technical – so what does this mean? In this article, we want to shed some light on this topic.

Configuration Management in ITSM Teams – Make Infrastructure and Services Visible and Reproducible

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When you bite into your favorite burger at your go to fast food restaurant, you have certain expectations regarding consistency, taste and execution. How you like your burger is exactly how you should get it. This actually requires a number of high-quality functioning configurations. So let’s pivot from you getting that delicious burger to how you expect your IT Service Management to be prepared and delivered. We quickly end up with a process called Configuration Management. Configuration Management’s goal is to make the IT landscape, the ITSM team’s services and all components that contribute to their delivery transparent and reproducible. So much for a quick introduction. Let’s dive a bit deeper into the topic.

Knowledge Management in IT Service Management – It’s Enough to Invent the Wheel Only Once

Nowadays, it is a known fact that knowledge within a company should not be lost if at all possible. Arguably, every organization strives to develop strategies to effectively preserve, process, and utilize knowledge for the future. This is especially true for ITSM teams. After all, IT Service Management is all about casting the tasks and activities of IT teams into standardized, reproducible services. It is essential to rely on established solutions to avoid starting from scratch repeatedly. Knowledge once acquired should not have to be reacquired elsewhere. Here is an introduction to the challenges and opportunities of modern knowledge management.

Atlassian Apps: More Transparency and Security for the Atlassian Marketplace

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If your organisation is migrating to the Atlassian Cloud or is already using the Cloud products, chances are your teams will want to use Marketplace apps alongside the core products. And of course, these apps should meet your organisation’s privacy, security and compliance requirements. However, with thousands of apps from hundreds of vendors, sifting through the solutions to meet these requirements is no trivial task. To simplify the process, increase transparency and give customers more control over app extensions, the manufacturer has recently rolled out a series of innovations for the Atlassian Marketplace and product administration.