Properties to the (HR) Rescue – Saving Workflows From The Brink of Chaos

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This article discusses how your HR department could simplify and streamline their workflows making use of Properties’ new Board visualization. Using Kanban-like functionality, the developers at Junovi have expanded the intuitive features of their Properties app. With the Property Group Visualization macro, you can create either an OrgChart or Board view. We’ll take a look at how specifically the Board view gives you the ease and functionality of a Kanban board.

Configuration Management in ITSM Teams – Make Infrastructure and Services Visible and Reproducible

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When you bite into your favorite burger at your go to fast food restaurant, you have certain expectations regarding consistency, taste and execution. How you like your burger is exactly how you should get it. This actually requires a number of high-quality functioning configurations. So let’s pivot from you getting that delicious burger to how you expect your IT Service Management to be prepared and delivered. We quickly end up with a process called Configuration Management. Configuration Management’s goal is to make the IT landscape, the ITSM team’s services and all components that contribute to their delivery transparent and reproducible. So much for a quick introduction. Let’s dive a bit deeper into the topic.

Knowledge Management in IT Service Management – It’s Enough to Invent the Wheel Only Once

Nowadays, it is a known fact that knowledge within a company should not be lost if at all possible. Arguably, every organization strives to develop strategies to effectively preserve, process, and utilize knowledge for the future. This is especially true for ITSM teams. After all, IT Service Management is all about casting the tasks and activities of IT teams into standardized, reproducible services. It is essential to rely on established solutions to avoid starting from scratch repeatedly. Knowledge once acquired should not have to be reacquired elsewhere. Here is an introduction to the challenges and opportunities of modern knowledge management.

Atlassian Cloud: Price Adjustments in October 2023 and Product Adjustments in November 2023

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Atlassian has announced pricing adjustments for the Atlassian Cloud that will take effect on 18 October 2023. This involves changes to the list and benefit prices for certain cloud products. In addition, Atlassian is also limiting the execution of automations for Jira Cloud products. These automation limits will take effect on 1 November 2023. We’ll give you an overview of what changes you can expect.

Atlassian Apps: More Transparency and Security for the Atlassian Marketplace

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If your organisation is migrating to the Atlassian Cloud or is already using the Cloud products, chances are your teams will want to use Marketplace apps alongside the core products. And of course, these apps should meet your organisation’s privacy, security and compliance requirements. However, with thousands of apps from hundreds of vendors, sifting through the solutions to meet these requirements is no trivial task. To simplify the process, increase transparency and give customers more control over app extensions, the manufacturer has recently rolled out a series of innovations for the Atlassian Marketplace and product administration.

Remote Work and Distributed Teams: 4 Insights into the Future of Flexible Work

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It has now been around three years since the pandemic fundamentally changed the world of work in many sectors and industries. And as it turns out, this trend towards greater flexibility is apparently here to stay. This is proven by the figures of the Atlassian report “State of Teams” from 2022: 22 percent of the surveyed teams work completely remotely, 35 percent work completely in the shared office again, 43 percent follow hybrid models. Around two-thirds of all teams have thus abandoned the traditional approach, with the high proportion of hybrid teams being particularly striking. This raises some interesting questions about the future of work, and “State of Teams” gives us some figures in this regard.

Documentation from Jira to Confluence – How It Works with Autopage!

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Documentation in software development is not exactly the greatest of joys for many teams. Nevertheless, the documentation of a software product must of course be as complete and comprehensive as possible. The app AutoPage has set out to take much of the pain out of manual documentation work for teams. It makes it possible to automatically create Confluence pages directly from Jira on which the current contents of the processes are documented. In this post, we’ll go through the initial setup of AutoPage step by step. Once you have done these things, your team can use Jira as usual – with the difference that the further development is now automatically mapped in Confluence.