Survey Results: Requirements for Confluence intranets

Linchpin Intranet

My colleague and Atlassian consultant Adil Nasri wrote his bachelor thesis in 2015 on the topic of “Functional requirements for wiki systems for use as an intranet using Confluence as an example”. For his thesis, he conducted a scientific study of requirements for intranet systems in which 208 participants filled out surveys. Of those participating, 61.1% worked in companies with Confluence-based intranets, and 38.9% used other technical platforms. The contacts were provided by //SEIBERT/MEDIA.

Linchpin Price Changes in February 2024

Linchpin Price Changes in February 2024 - thumbnail

Everything has become more expensive. The increased operating costs have not passed us by either. That’s why our social intranet solution Linchpin is now adjusting its prices slightly, because we want to continue to offer you an intranet that includes all the functions you need! In this blog article, we have summarised for you what the moderate price increase means for you, what options you will have in terms of intranet in the future and everything else you need to know.

The curtain rises for Linchpin Intranet Suite – Update 5.7

The curtain rises for Linchpin Intranet Suite - Update 5.7 - thumbnail

It’s showtime – clear the stage for Linchpin Intranet Suite 5.7! Our Linchpin team has been working, testing and fine-tuning for weeks and is now presenting the new update. Several of our users’ wishes have been implemented: From now on, you can set up automatic reminders for your events or put yourself on the waiting list. Also included: New picture galleries for news and events on Confluence pages, new people search functions, various newsletters, and much more… In our article, we give you an overview of the update package for the Linchpin intranet.

Automate Content Management Tasks with Automation for Confluence

Automate content management tasks with Automation for Confluence - thumbnail

Imagine if humans had to consciously initiate and coordinate every breath. Oxygenation is vital, but fortunately our bodies have automated this process. We breathe reflexively and without our active intervention, and therefore we can fortunately invest our time and energy in other things. In the working world, there are similarly important functions that help keep things going, but no one likes to spend time thinking about them. It would be nice to build your own automated system that manages these important (and boring) processes largely on its own, wouldn’t it? That’s exactly what the new automation features for Confluence do.

Creative Thinking, How to Free up Your Brain’s Idea Generator with Checklists for Atlassian Confluence and Jira

Creative Thinking, How to Free up Your Brain's Idea Generator with Checklists for Atlassian Co`nfluence and Jira - thumbnail

It’s important to not fill your head with too many ideas and things to worry about, because as a Chinese legend teaches us, you can only generate fresh ideas when the “cup” of your brain is not filled to the brim already. Checklists for Confluence and Jira can help in this regard; they make sure you (and your colleagues) don’t need to memorize procedures, but can just check off items on a checklist that can be used again and again.

What Types of Checklists Teams Use and What They Expect from Checklist Tools (Spoiler: Atlassian Confluence and Jira Integration)

What Types of Checklists Teams Use and What They Expect from Checklist Tools (Spoiler: Atlassian Integration) - thumbnail

In every company, countless activities take place day in and day out that have already been processed many times in this or a similar form. And yet, in the same companies, many things go wrong. That’s why teams work with checklists. They explain how routine processes work. They map standardized processes that have been thought through beforehand so that they can subsequently be processed as efficiently and seamlessly as possible. But not all checklists are the same. And not all checklist tools are equal.