Category Archives: Atlassian

Project Templates in Jira with Templating app


“Start from scratch”, is a phrase we both love and hate. Those “hate” moments tend to rear their heads when you work as part of a team where consistency and repeatability are paramount. Enjoy some love in a team environment with’s new Project Templates where users are empowered to streamline their project initiation process, saving time and ensuring consistency across all endeavors.

Make Dependencies and Cross-connections Visible in Jira Templates


Project administration and product management are complex, and the management of dependencies is an essential prerequisite for smooth processes and projects. They need to be identified and made visible. The for Jira helps your team with this, because it now makes it possible to link the processes of a template with each other and with existing issues!

Bringing Style to Your Confluence Space


As a Confluence user, there can come a time when you want to move beyond a standard appearance, tailoring it more to your specific needs. You want to make the experience for you and your colleagues as enjoyable and productive as possible, realizing the greatest value to the organization. This article will give you some tips for customizing your Confluence Spaces to fill your needs and then some!

How to Improve Cross-functional Collaboration Between Business and Tech Teams

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There is often a systematic communication gap between the business and technical teams within a company. Ideally, they should form a dynamic, mutually complementary duo. By removing blockages and hurdles, making cross-functional collaboration easier, business and tech teams can create overarching alignment and deliver more customer value together.

15 Years as an Atlassian Partner – a Special Anniversary for Seibert!

15 Years as an Atlassian Partner - A Special Anniversary for Seibert - thumbnail

Anniversaries are always something very special – and of course a reason to celebrate! You look back at the past, perhaps smile at the thought of one or two anecdotes and look positively to the future. And that’s exactly how we feel today: Seibert has been an Atlassian partner since February 2009, exactly 15 years ago! In this blog article, we look back at our humble beginnings, our first successes and reveal the secret of who is behind the pseudonym “the guy with the microphone”.

End of Support for Atlassian Server – Why it’s High Time to Migrate to the Atlassian Cloud

The Support for Atlassian Server is Ending - Why it's High Time to Migrate to the Atlassian Cloud - thumbnail

Three, two, one – gone: Support for Atlassian server products ends today. But what does this actually mean for Server customers who have not yet initiated a migration? We explain the disadvantages and risks for your company and provide you with some good arguments for switching to the Atlassian Cloud.

Interaction between Jira and Confluence: 3 Examples of Effective Integration

Interaction between Jira and Confluence - 3 Examples of Effective Integration - thumbnail

When teams use both Jira and Confluence, there are additional options that are suitable for boosting productivity, improving the visibility of information and reducing unpopular manual tasks. In this article, we show three examples of how Jira and Confluence can be used together to great effect.

New in Jira, Confluence and Co.: A Team Member Named ‘Atlassian Intelligence’

New in Jira, Confluence and Co - A Team Member Named Atlassian Intelligence - thumbnail

The first wave of Atlassian Intelligence features has now been delivered and is generally available for the cloud platform. They are designed to help teams work together more productively, get things done faster and utilise company data more effectively to make better decisions. Let’s take a look at which features Atlassian has recently released and which will follow soon.