Tag Archives: jira cloud

Organizing Your Consulting Delivery Projects in Jira

Organizing Your Consulting Delivery Projects in Jira - thumbnail

A very popular industry that is involved in nearly all sectors of business, is consulting. No matter what niche a consulting company operates in, the team still has value that needs delivering. They also need to track that value to ensure that the team delivers it in a timely and cost effective manner. The best way to make sure the service provided to the clients is consistent is to create templates in Jira.

Templating.App – Standard Approach to Creating (Social) Media with Templates in Jira

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If you promote your products through social media, it pays to make sure it looks professional every time and you don’t forget anything. Well, if you use Jira for your issue tracking, there’s an easy way to make you never forget any steps: templates. With templating.app, you can create one template to rule them all, where you just have to enter some variables for every new campaign instead. Read on to find out how.

Ignition Sequence Start, Liftoff with Checklists for Confluence and Jira, the Ultimate Checklist App

Ignition sequence start, liftoff with Checklists for Confluence and Jira, the ultimate checklist app - thumbnail

During the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969, an error message occured. And when things go wrong in such a high-stakes mission, they can go horribly wrong. Astronauts wouldn’t be able to come back to Earth. But thanks to the fact that the ground crew had checklists to work through when the error flashed up, they knew exactly what to do. And that’s why checklists are so important. They make sure you don’t forget anything when the stakes are high.

Creative Thinking, How to Free up Your Brain’s Idea Generator with Checklists for Atlassian Confluence and Jira

Creative Thinking, How to Free up Your Brain's Idea Generator with Checklists for Atlassian Co`nfluence and Jira - thumbnail

It’s important to not fill your head with too many ideas and things to worry about, because as a Chinese legend teaches us, you can only generate fresh ideas when the “cup” of your brain is not filled to the brim already. Checklists for Confluence and Jira can help in this regard; they make sure you (and your colleagues) don’t need to memorize procedures, but can just check off items on a checklist that can be used again and again.

The Importance of Clear and Concise Communication in Jira and How Awesome Custom Fields Can Help

The importance of clear and concise communication in Jira and how Awesome Custom Fields can help - awesome custom fields logo

In 2011, Netflix made quite a mistake with a rebranding, which could have been prevented had they communicated properly. Which brings us to our favorite issue tracking system: Jira. This tool uses custom fields, which can be customized with Awesome Custom Fields to make sure no one ever oversees any important information, improving communication.

Practical Workaround for Jira Cloud: Re-empty the Resolution Field

Practical Workaround for Jira Cloud: Re-empty the Resolution Field - thumbnail

When a task reaches its final state in Jira Cloud, its Resolution field is given a value and Jira assumes that the task’s lifecycle is over. But what if the task is reopened, perhaps because it was accidentally closed? Unfortunately, the Resolution field is not automatically cleared. A workaround based on Jira Automation from the Atlassian community provides a remedy.

Autopage Goes Cloud – the Easiest Solution for Your Documentation Problems

Autopage Goes Cloud - the Easiest Solution for Your Documentation Problems - thumbnail

Do you also like to write documentation after a user story, a bug or in the course of a new development? No? Then you’re not the only one, because for very few people this is one of their favorite activities. For you and for all the documentation haters in the Atlassian ecosystem, we have good news: the AutoPage app is now available in a cloud version! With AutoPage, you can create Confluence pages with all the info that documentation pages need directly from Jira issues. Learn more about this useful app!