Category Archives: Cloud

Creative Thinking, How to Free up Your Brain’s Idea Generator with Checklists for Atlassian Confluence and Jira

Creative Thinking, How to Free up Your Brain's Idea Generator with Checklists for Atlassian Co`nfluence and Jira - thumbnail

It’s important to not fill your head with too many ideas and things to worry about, because as a Chinese legend teaches us, you can only generate fresh ideas when the “cup” of your brain is not filled to the brim already. Checklists for Confluence and Jira can help in this regard; they make sure you (and your colleagues) don’t need to memorize procedures, but can just check off items on a checklist that can be used again and again.

The 6 Pitfalls of the Atlassian Marketplace: What Should You Look out for When Choosing an App?

The 6 pitfalls of the Atlassian Marketplace: What should you look out for when choosing an app? - thumbnail

The Atlassian Marketplace offers thousands of apps. That sounds great, but it also makes it difficult for customers to decide whether to purchase a particular app. Even if something like the number of installations or written reviews are helpful clues to get closer to a decision, caution is advised, because not every successful app is also the ideal solution for your business. We show you the 6 pitfalls of the Atlassian Marketplace and what you should look out for when choosing an app.

How Modern Cloud Software Makes Hybrid Work Models Possible

How modern Cloud software makes hybrid work models possible - cloud thumbnail

It would be premature and unwise to predict the imminent death of the physical office. Most people want to meet and interact with other people face to face, and physical constellations are where most innovations are born. However, Cloud technologies have made the entire globe a potential place to work. Companies that embrace this fact and embrace it as an opportunity are more attractive to top talent, who in turn enjoy the luxury of being highly selective in their job choices. Modern Cloud software supports Hybrid Work on three levels.

The Importance of Clear and Concise Communication in Jira and How Awesome Custom Fields Can Help

The importance of clear and concise communication in Jira and how Awesome Custom Fields can help - awesome custom fields logo

In 2011, Netflix made quite a mistake with a rebranding, which could have been prevented had they communicated properly. Which brings us to our favorite issue tracking system: Jira. This tool uses custom fields, which can be customized with Awesome Custom Fields to make sure no one ever oversees any important information, improving communication.

Time to Move to the Cloud – Atlassian Data Centers and Servers Will Become More Expensive in February 2023

Time to Move to the Cloud - Atlassian Data Centers and Servers Will Become More Expensive in February 2023 - thumbnail

Atlassian is raising prices for Confluence and Jira software for Data Center and Server customers on February 15, 2023. The good news, however, is that you still have the opportunity to secure the old prices before then – or to initiate the switch to the Cloud. We give you an overview of the price changes and how you can best react to them.

3 Steps To Make Your Sprint Planning Easier In Jira Cloud

3 Steps To Make Your Sprint Planning Easier In Jira Cloud - thumbnail

Within our worlds of product and project management, where Jira is one of, if not the essential tool in our toolkit, implementing complementary tools to make our work more efficient yields greater effectiveness. One such stellar example is – Easy Issues & Subtasks, which allows product owners to create predefined sets of Jira issues needed with every new sprint. Find out how it can help during sprint planning in this article.

How to Better Plan Events with Jira Cloud and Easy Issue Templates

How to better plan events with Jira Cloud and Easy Issue Templates - thumbnail

If you’ve ever been involved in planning an event, you’ll know that there are dozens, sometimes hundreds of things you need to organize. And if you need to organize the same kind of events again and again, creating the same structure of issues in Jira can be very time-consuming, and prone to human error. With Easy Issues and Subtask Templates, that’s a thing of the past!