Category Archives: Cloud

How to Easily Simplify Your Onboarding Processes in Jira Cloud

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Getting onboarding wrong with an employee can be devastating. If a newcomer in a company has a bad experience in their first few days or even weeks, it can shape their opinion of the organization forever and in the worst cases, result in them leaving the company. To make sure nothing is forgotten during the onboarding process, you can now create issue templates in Jira Cloud.

State of the Union for Confluence Cloud in 2023

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Alen Kipp asked our CEO Martin why companies should choose Confluence software for business in 2022. In this article, Martin will do his best to give his personal (maybe just slightly biased) answer and summarize the state of Atlassian Confluence and compare the tool to alternatives on the market

Confluence Cloud: Never Get Lost in the Depths of Your Wiki Again | Navigation Menus – Quick & Easy Orientation

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Confluence Cloud as a wiki system can quickly become confusing: the larger the company, the more content in the system. How do you keep an overview? With the “Navigation Menus – quick & easy orientation” app! Stylish, lightweight, and effective: Try out the menu with images now.

Confluence Cloud: Quick Access to Your Content Translations with the Language Manager

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Do you have Confluence Cloud pages in multiple languages? The Language Manager helps you to make your multilingual content more accessible. Users are offered a language selection on each page for which translations are available. With just one click on the appropriate language, they are then taken to the correct version of the page.

Confluence Cloud: Reach More People with Your Blog Articles with Enterprise News Cloud

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Our development team has now implemented several popular apps from the Linchpin Intranet Suite for Confluence Cloud. One of them is “Enterprise News Cloud.” With this solution, you turn your Confluence blog articles into modern, engaging news teasers and have the ability to display posts in personalized feeds and in an organized News hub.

7 Tools That Make Your Cloud Migration Easier

7 tools to help with cloud migration

Many Atlassian customers say that their Cloud migrations went smoother and quicker than they had expected. One reason for this is that there are many helpers available to make the change as frictionless and efficient as possible for the teams. Read which tools you can use to make your cloud migration a breeze in this article.

Why Cloud Workers Better Position Companies for Times of Crisis

why cloud workers better position companies for times of crisis

A study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Google provides reliable data on the extent to which remote working and working with cloud technology have arrived in companies and how they are viewed internally. This blog article focuses on Germany, as this has always been one of the more privacy-focused countries in the world. You’ll be surprised how much the cloud is actually already used or planned to be used even here!

5 (and More) Good Reasons for the Cloud Part 5: The Future is Looking Up!

Welcome to the last part of our series of articles “5 (and More) Good Reasons for the Cloud”! As we all know, the best comes at the end, so we have saved one of the most important reasons – securing the future of companies. The fact is, more and more companies are moving to the cloud, with many seeing it as a must-have to gain a competitive edge. But is this hope well-founded? We take a closer look at whether (or why) the future is really looking up.

5 (and More) Good Reasons for the Cloud Part 4: How Much More Productive Can We Become?

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Today we come to the 4th good reason, which is sure to make you really sit up and take notice, because it’s about productivity. Productivity is not always easy to measure, especially when it comes to creative or “intellectual” activities. But that’s not even necessary, because moving to the cloud can improve the productivity of your entire business in more ways than one.