Tag Archives: Atlassian

Time tracking in Jira with Tempo Timesheets: Track the information your company needs

Establishing a new habit can be quite complex. For example, having to remember to log your time or to visit the “My Work” page in Tempo Timesheets for Jira to input your hours doesn’t feel natural at first. To help alleviate that problem, we describe three convenient methods to log time anywhere in Jira that may be a better fit for you.

From App Center to Linchpin Launchpad: Version 2.0 with a sidebar portal, category overview, drag & drop app organization and more!

Linchpin Launchpad (formerly known as App Center) is an app that can be used in Confluence or a Confluence-based intranet to integrate direct links to any web-based application. These integrated links are then made centrally available as small icons, similar to apps on a smartphone. You can personalize them at any time to suit your specific needs. In this way, Linchpin Launchpad serves as an integration hub and control center for external tools in Confluence.

Meetings as a last resort: Asynchronous communication with Atlassian Confluence and Jira

While meetings can be useful to come up with new ideas and alternatives, most meetings are very productive at all, and they tend to eat up employee’s valuable time. Here I make a case to reducing meetings to an absolute minimum and cultivating a culture of considerate asynchronous communication instead.

The frustrated son – a story of data loss and backup concepts for Atlassian products

Data loss is something that can be caused by a number of factors – from a bug to simple human error. As such it is important to have appropriate backup concepts in place. In order to deal with data loss quickly and efficiently, //SEIBERT/MEDIA offers enterprises effective backup concepts as part of its operation packages, which can be tailored to their specific requirements. These can include two-stage backups whereby your data is backed up securely and reliably.

Is Jira trapped in your IT and development teams? (Part 1)

Technical teams in many companies work happily and successfully with Jira – but software that has a reputation for being a development system is not normally something which the Average Joe can also use for their work. When such a person starts working with Jira for the first time, they may be a little overwhelmed by the depth of the system’s many features and functions. Nevertheless, we and many of our customers use Jira with completely different teams and company departments. The advantages of Jira are not limited to just our technical teams. You can clearly see the advantages that Jira brings to all sorts of teams when you focus on its ability to be transparent, its visualizations and how it inspires collaboration rather than technical integration.