Tag Archives: social intranets

More Trends for the Sustainability of Your Digital Workplace

An intranet is a company’s image. With things evolving rapidly both socially and economically, it’s important to recognize the trends that occur within companies as well.

Not every societal trend will find its way into the economy and companies in the near future, but with the way things are looking now, those in charge should monitor trends and at least consider them for their own intranets.

Dangers When Introducing Intranets

Writing tools

We continue to get questions about the risks of corporate intranets, because of something a person has read or heard. Basically, yes, an intranet can be dangerous. In most cases, only in theoretical scenarios, but these must be taken seriously when discussing the introduction of an intranet. Perhaps we can soothe some of your concerns.

Draw.io Diagramming in Confluence: Cheat Sheets for Beginners

draw.io Shortcuts for Windows Basic

The highest rated diagramming solution for Atlassian products is called draw.io and is available as an add-on for Confluence from the marketplace. A Confluence user who hasn’t used similar diagramming tools will need time to familiarize themselves with draw.io, to learn how to use the basic functions, and then build on these skills. Our draw.io team has created cheat sheets for new users, available below.

Codeyard: Helping You Achieve a Successful Software Development Process

Codeyard introduction by Martin Seibert

Codeyard is our new product suite, specially developed for companies planning larger or very large software projects. It is a product suite of software programs and expert services, which provide both the technical and procedural infrastructure necessary to achieve a seamless and structured development workflow. We offer Codeyard as a professional and powerful solution for quickly setting up and integrating a tailored, effective and efficient software development process, from concept to delivered product.

Components of an Intranet Project

Intranet linchpin connect with colleagues

Many companies still see their intranet as something that is still being installed. Like a new software, that should be used by all employees. So the intranet project manager creates a specification booklet, defines functions and milestones. Then the software is checked against the requirements and ticked off (or not). Based on a decision matrix, a software solution is chosen and installed. Then quickly some training is provided. Done. A classic software project.

Our customer DER Touristik’s new social intranet won the 2016 IntraNET Awards

For the fifth time, the online portal IntraNETwork selected the best intranets of the year. Among the three winners was “Compass,” DER Touristik’s new social intranet implemented by //SEIBERT/MEDIA and based on our Linchpin solution. Judged on various criteria, the 18 participating intranets and intranet apps were scanned and evaluated by a jury in the first round. Ten systems made it to the second round. Then, the IntraNETwork members were up. And they awarded the 2016 IntraNET award to DER Touristik.

Duplicate Content Defender for Confluence: Preventing redundant work and content

When creating a new Confluence page (specifically, when entering the page title), the Duplicate Content Defender automatically searches the instance (starting once the fourth character in the title line has been entered) for potential matching content and displays these potentially redundant pages. DCD references up to seven existing pages with an option to display additional results. The search includes both the page title and all of the page content. Search terms found in the titles are highlighted in bold.

Understanding SnapChat and a Corporate Context for Collaboration Tools

Have you ever heard of SnapChat? Two years ago, I first realized that SnapChat was “hot”, when they turned down an offer to be bought by Google for 500 million USD. We tried the service back then to understand why it was so successful. We failed. We could not understand how this service was different or any better than other instant messengers like Whatsapp or HipChat in the business context. A lot of corporate leaders probably face a very similar situation with digital collaboration tools in the workplace today.