Prerequisites for Agility – What Does your Company Need Before Going Agile?

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Business agility has become a requirement in order to merely exist in a world of fast-paced, innovative startups. But how do we get to this “agile” state? During our Tools4AgileTeams conference in 2021, Wolfgang Hilpert, an agile expert with over 25 years of experience leading product and technology organizations, told us what your organization needs before you take the plunge.

Linchpin Hey: How Does Social Interaction Within Companies Affect Employee Retention?

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We spend half our waking hours working, and working from home, especially over long periods, like during the current pandemic, has caused employees to feel disconnected from their colleagues, which can lead to mental health problems and people being dissatisfied at their job. So how does social interaction help with employee retention?

Atlassian Compass: A Command Center for Better Software Development

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There are dozens, if not hundreds, of applications in every organization, and information is more distributed and harder to find than ever. That’s why Atlassian is developing a new software solution called Atlas, the first teamwork directory that aims to connect all the dots across teams, applications and work. Atlas equips teams with a common vocabulary for open communication and a shared understanding of work contexts.

4 Useful Ways to Escape the Time-wasting Loop with SAFe® and Agile Hive

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Small startups and enterprises both need to harness agility in order to work in the most efficient way possible. The agile revolution is still thriving throughout the world and large organizations are starting to pick up on the advantages their startup competitors have. So how do enterprises scale the agile practices that seem to come so easily to startups and other lean organizations? Part of the answer is a framework and part of the answer is tooling.

What Defines Modern Intranets?

linchpin what defines modern intranets

Intranets nowadays, known as employee engagement intranets or social intranets, are leaps and bounds ahead of their ancestors and continue to improve. The use of modern intranets is only expected to increase, maybe even until they replace the physical office completely. But what defines an intranet?