Tag Archives: intranets

Content design for wikis: Customization options for ease of use

Customizing your design - teaser boxes make information stand out

A fundamental factor for the success of an enterprise wiki’s introduction is design optimization. This includes fine-tuning of the wiki’s online appearance, usability and navigation controls. In addition to this, guidelines (or templates) must be created for the actual wiki content to support productive and efficient work. This post covers the content design aspects most important to a company’s new wiki.

Linchpin and the central Linchpin components are now Confluence Data Center compatible

With Confluence Data Center, Atlassian is addressing the increasing technical requirements that large companies are placing on their internal software systems. This includes straightforward and fast scalability, high availability and performance even under heavy use and the reduction of unforeseen and planned downtime. In recent weeks, our product teams have worked intensively to make our own products meet these requirements: The key components of our Confluence-based social intranet suite Linchpin are now Data Center compatible!

Moving to Confluence Data Center is a job only half-done

This is a guest post from Levente Szabo. Growth introduces new kind of inevitable challenges in every business. As an organization grows, the meaning of “business as usual” evolves. Processes and methods change, disrupting everyday life for teams across departments. But scaling up to a software solution like Atlassian Data Center is only half of the battle. Here’s what else you need to consider.

Linchpin Intranet Projects: Full Cost Transparency and Flexibility for Customers

Linchpin Intranet

You don’t talk about money – at least not in concrete terms, and never before the start of a project. This seems to be the motto for many providers of intranet solutions. It is certainly true for one particularly large one. But that’s not what you will get with a Linchpin social intranet solution: We are fully transparent about all of the costs and services involved in the entire project.

What Is Involved in a Linchpin Project? The Full Monty!

Linchpin project components

To help you see exactly what happens when you collaborate with us on a Linchpin intranet project, we’ve detailed all of the components and services we normally provide in an Linchpin introductory project. This includes all of the workshops, a typical timeline, and details of the training sessions that your staff can take advantage of.

Linchpin Theme Plugin Released as Enterprise Version

Linchpin Intranet

After the free version of the Linchpin Theme Plugin came out on the Atlassian Marketplace a few weeks ago, our development team also released an enterprise edition. The Linchpin Theme Plugin allows you to customize Confluence without having to do any programming. You can tailor it specifically to your organization’s design, create a header and logo, custom footer and navigation menu, personalized buttons and other elements. What used to be a project in and of itself can now be done with considerably less effort. You can even switch between different themes as needed.

All of the standard plugin features are also included in the Enterprise add-on—and then then some.

Professional Mobile Apps for Group Chat, Intranet, etc.: A Blessing or a Curse?

Linchpin Mobile

There’s a trend that’s moving away from being always on and always available. Some companies even go so far as to prohibit checking email on smartphones outside of working hours and on weekends.

Nowadays, there are more enterprise software providers coming out with mobile apps. Would this constant email accessibility bring on additional stress? And employees aren’t just getting email. They also have to deal with work-related questions that could come up at any time via push notifications.

I’d like to share a few of my own thoughts and experiences.

Meet the Confluence Strategy & Operations Manager on 8-9 May in Wiesbaden

John Wetenhall

Right after the Atlassian Summit Europe has finished in Barcelona, ​​we have a leading Atlassian employee as our guest in Wiesbaden: John Wetenhall. We have a lot planned – join us for a webinar on 9 May, arrange a private discussion on the 8 or 9 May, or drop in to the Rhein-Main Atlassian user group on the 9 May.

Linchpin Intranet: What the mobile app does for employees on the go

Linchpin Mobile

In nearly every type of company, there are employees who are on the road often and can’t regularly be in the office. This can include sales representatives, consultants, commercial workers, and more. Individuals who need to be mobile have one thing in common: they’re usually on their own when it comes to staying up to date with company information. And information doesn’t just flow one way. The mobile app for Linchpin intranets helps such employees in real-life situations get necessary information quickly and easily. This can benefit the entire organization in several ways.