Microblogging for Confluence is an add-on that extends Confluence to include a modern social media and communication feature with timeline, subscribable topics, likes, mentions, and other features that each employee knows from their private use of Facebook, Twitter & Co. Users and teams use Confluence microblogs to exchange ideas, to get quick feedback from colleagues, or to agree on projects in an uncomplicated way.
Tag Archives: enterprise wikis
The New Linchpin Theme Plugin: Simple and Flexible Visual Configuration for Confluence
There isn’t much debate when it comes to the meaning of corporate branding. Both external and internal communication demand clean lines, if we’re talking about the general image of a company. With the introduction and development of an enterprise wiki, like Confluence, the adaptation to individual corporate design can bring value to companies and, most of all, to employees.
Should I buy Atlassian stocks?
This article talks about whether and in which situations you may want to consider to buy Atlassian shares and gives you insights in our knowledge of the Atlassian ecosystem. It also talks about my personal plans as an investor.
The Wikipedia of the Company: Yes, but not with MediaWiki
A crucial step in the implementation of a wiki within a company is the selection of the right wiki software. One must assess the major pros and cons of each system in order to make the best choice. In this article, we evaluate the open source software MediaWiki, and draw the conclusion that there is a better option.
Enterprise Wikis: Advantages of Confluence compared to Foswiki and MediaWiki
In our article, “Enterprise Wikis: Criteria and important topics in the evaluation of wiki software” we discussed the diverse and unique requirements an enterprise wiki needs to meet. Decisions about choosing the right wiki system cannot be made using generalizations, but rather only by taking into account the specific needs of the company. In this article, we will draw a concrete comparison between the approaches of the Atlasssian Confluence commercial system and the open source systems Foswiki and MediaWiki. What are the strengths of Confluence compared to Foswiki and MediaWiki?
Enterprise Wikis: Criteria and important topics in the evaluation of wiki software
Wikis for intra-company usage are becoming well established as both commercial and open source applications. This article gives an overview of criteria and requirements involved in the decision making process, along with a comparison of our proprietary Wiki Confluence System and its open source competitors, Foswiki and MediaWiki.
Confluence and Foswiki Plugins – A Comparison
All wiki systems have the same basic functions: opening, editing and saving documents. These functions can be covered in a single Wikipedia paragraph. The functions of a more advanced business wiki, however, are more complex. A business wiki is not simply a web lexicon, but rather is intended to systematically handle a variety of processes in the company.
Organizational differences between intranet and Internet
You do not need to be an Internet professional to recognize the basic difference between a company’s intranet and its online presence. An intranet, the internal system, is protected against external access and contains non-public information. Online content, however, can be accessed by anyone. If you take a closer look, it’s clear that many different aspects must be considered and play an important role. We will therefore turn our attention in these two articles to the question of how to differentiate between an intranet and a website. First, we will look at the organizational aspects before dealing with the technical aspects in the following article.
Wiki Adoption: A Pilot Project As An Obligatory Routine
When introducing a new and in its type different software, this aphorism, that once Oscar Wilde and also Mark Twain adjudicated, fits very well, because: a wiki adoption can not be repeated very often. This is why we recommend to prepare a wiki project in the timeframe of a pilot phase, for later application.
Confluence – Update pages to reduce redundancies
Working with Confluence, you notice how fast the content of your wiki is constantly expanding. Eventually some content needs to be updated due to new information or developments. The question that might arise: Shall I create a new page with new content or rather update the existing page? In this video, Martin Seibert from //SEIBERT/MEDIA explains the advantages of updating a page rather than creating a new one. This approach might involve a bit of work and time but reduces redundancies and helps communicating updates to the existing followers of the old content.