Category Archives: Intranets

There’s life in paper yet: The InstaPrinta prints customized JIRA tickets for analog boards

The paper-less office was meant to banish all paper from the office. In agile teams, however, this does not apply and this is where InstaPrinta comes in. Admittedly, a tool like Atlassian’s JIRA is a great way to manage tasks. However, in day-to-day work, a digital Agile Board in JIRA does not have the same presence as a large magnet board right in the center a team office that is full of task notes. At a glance, every team member knows what needs to be done and who is working on what. Furthermore, the magnet board contains numerous additional sections like an improvement board, a skill matrix, an absence calendar and more. This makes the analog board the central “cockpit” for all information relevant to the teams.

Diagrams in Confluence: Comparison between Creately and

There are several solutions to implement diagramming functions in Confluence. Creately is one of them – compared to the matured, Creately is at a disadvantage. We have compared Creately and regarding central requirements. Here is a comparison of both diagramming tools, let’s take at a look at the five most important aspects. Flash vs. native Browser technologies: Creately is based on Flash. This has been problematic, since Flash is well known for it’s security weaknesses and it’s vulnerability. Many enterprises (especially in Enterprise environments) do not allow Flash for standard computer installations and don’t allow users to install Flash at a later point., on the other hand, is based on the market leading diagramming technology mxGraph – the only library that works in any browser without plugins and completely client based.

Atlassian is a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Development Life Cycle Management 2013

The Gartner Magic Quadrants are among the most frequently discussed and cited market analyses. In each of their analyses, Gartner looks at a complex market and positions the main providers in a diagram based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute. The Gartner report also offers a brief market analysis and quantitative analyses of individual market players.

The Atlassian Foundation and Atlassian’s Crowdsourcing Project

Atlassian invests part of their success into the Atlassian Foundation, supporting non-profit organizations: One percent of the enterprises turnover is invested in charity projects. Atlassian employees are encouraged to dedicate one percent of their work time to volunteer work. Furthermore, all revenues of the ten dollar starter licenses goes straight to the Atlassian Foundation.

//SEIBERT/MEDIA is an Atlassian Enterprise Expert

In the last few months, the Australian software manufacturer Atlassian has established new enterprise concepts for several products, including Confluence, JIRA and Stash, and will continue improving these systems both functionally and to meet the requirements of large companies and groups. The focus of our efforts is on simple scalability and improving the performance of instances in large enterprise environments.

Edit Lock for Confluence: better protection against simultaneous editing of Confluence pages

If two users (accidentally) edit the same Confluence document at the same time, data may be lost in some circumstances. Conflicts arise, the changes made by the users are not correctly merged, entries are lost and must be redone. The Edit Lock Confluence plugin developed by //SEIBERT/MEDIA ensures better protection and less confusion by displaying a more visible and interactive warning.

Duplicate Content Defender for Confluence: Avoiding redundancies and double work

The Duplicate Content Defender plugin is a Confluence extension developed by //SEIBERT/MEDIA that points out similar existing content while creating new wiki pages. When a user creates a new page and enters the title, the plugin reports if there is corresponding or overlapping content. This function is simple and provides a number of benefits.

Social Intranet with Linchpin – Personalized Global Navigation

The Navigation Menu Editor plugin is one of the most visible part of the LINCHPIN social intranet. It offers a user specific navigation, based on the Custom User Profile Plugin. Depending on language, location, department, projects or other criteria, the navigation menu will adjust accordingly. Martin Seibert and Eric Klein give a brief introduction to the Navigation Menu Editor plugin in this video.