Tag Archives: social intranets

What Is Involved in a Linchpin Project? The Full Monty!

Linchpin project components

To help you see exactly what happens when you collaborate with us on a Linchpin intranet project, we’ve detailed all of the components and services we normally provide in an Linchpin introductory project. This includes all of the workshops, a typical timeline, and details of the training sessions that your staff can take advantage of.

RSVP now: Add-on Discovery Day 2017 on September 11th 2017 in San Jose (USA)

It’s on! The first ever Add-on Discovery Day 2017 will happen on September 11th in San Jose. It’s the day before Atlassian Summit. If you are in San Jose on September 11th, please be quick to register. I am pretty sure, that this is the best option to spend the day. And we’ll be finished when the evening party for Atlassian partners starts. Read more about the event:

Workplace by Facebook: Workplace, Social Intranet or Social Network? (II)

Last year, Facebook started offering a business solution called, Workplace by Facebook. It’s a variation of the social network of the same name, but for use in the office. Companies can easily register, calculate costs, and quickly get up and running.

But what does the term “workplace” really mean in this case? What does Workplace by Facebook (referred to as Workplace hereafter) actually offer companies?

Linchpin Intranet: A New Employee Portal for Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse (SBK)

SBK Article header image

//SEIBERT/MEDIA and SBK have collaborated on a social intranet project using our Linchpin platform. What started with user-story workshops to tailor the project requirements to suit the needs of the users, was iteratively implemented, and is now in use by the employees of SKB: The new employee portal has been live for several months now!

Linchpin Intranet at the Atlassian Summit Europe in Barcelona

DEISER Linchpin booth design

//SEIBERT/MEDIA will be at Atlassian Summit Europe 2017 with three products: draw.io, the diagramming solution for Confluence (this year’s Summit’s main sponsor), our Codeyard tool stack for software developers and, of course, Linchpin, our Confluence-based social intranet. We are presenting Linchpin in collaboration with our colleagues and partners from DEISER at booth G6 in the Expo Hall.

Choosing an Enterprise Intranet to Support Interaction and Collaboration

Cloud Intranet Decision

When considering a staff intranet solution, it’s difficult for many organisations to define their exact requirements. This is because, quite simply, there are too many. It’s not unusual for the problem to appear overwhelming and difficult to solve. Parsec Pacific was asked by a customer recently to help them define their user requirements for a new staff intranet. The organisation has about 5000 staff and provides education services to about 40,000 school aged children, and were already using a mixture of technologies to provide some staff intranet services but it wasn’t working effectively.