Tag Archives: Jira

Sustainability Management at Seibert Media

Our aim was to get involved in the general conversation about sustainability, to signal our commitment to sustainability so that it’s recognized internally, and to establish regional contacts in order to learn and exchange ideas together. We here in the organizational team were very happy to receive the positive feedback and animated discussions that came from the event. Our plan is to hold two more Meetups this year.

Scaled Agile: SAFe® 5.0 changes and how Agile Hive maps them

We’re happy to announce the release of the new version of the Scaled Agile Framework SAFe®, version 5.0, which aims to help companies scale agile principles and methods beyond agile IT and development teams to the entire organization. Onboarding all employees to the Scaled Agile Framework SAFe® requires a comprehensive and detailed plan, and ours has now been extensively updated and supplemented. In this short overview we’ll show you what we’ve changed in SAFe® version 5.0 and how Agile Hive – SAFe® with Atlassian Tools supports you as you map your SAFe® implementation.

Emergency services now exclusive to customers with operation packages

Our services relating to the operation of Atlassian software such as Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket & co. are so popular and in-demand that we have decided to make our emergency services exclusive to those customers that have purchased an operation package with us. Here we look at some of the experiences that prompted us to make this decision.

Distributed Collaboration: Big Meetings, Big Problems?

No longer is it a special case for companies and their teams to find themselves in a meeting with participants who aren’t sitting (or standing) in the room with them. It’s critical for clients and stakeholders to be involved in communicating and coordinating with external partners. Teams are often distributed or they have individual team members who work remotely. Since I’m a remote employee who is a part of a local Scrum team at //SEIBERT/MEDIA, I have a lot of experience in this area which I’d like to share with you in this article.

Jan Einfach: Agile and Atlassian explained | A short introduction to “Agile Hive – SAFe with Atlassian Tools”

Are you thinking about implementing the scaled agile framework (SAFe) in order to meet your business needs? Curious about how Atlassian tools can help you achieve your goals?

In this video from “Jans Einfach” (Jans Easy), my goal is to give you a quick overview on how to use Agile Hive, our in-house developed solution that can help you manage your SAFe planning and your business.