Tag Archives: Atlassian

Confluence 5.7: now full support of data, in-line comments, roadmaps macro, and more

Atlassian has released Confluence version 5.7, which includes a variety of new features. The team collaboration system now fully supports files in any format and offers in-line comments for pages and even attachments. It also comes with the Roadmap macro, which simplifies the HipChat integration. Advanced users now benefit from the Confluence Query Language in the content search.

Atlassian Licenses: Why To Consider an Upgrade Instead Of a Renewal?

Atlassian software behind the firewall comes with perpetual licenses, which can be used as long as you want. However, most customers continuously renew their maintenance contract. They thus benefit from frequent Atlassian updates. Next time you are considering a renewal, you may want to evaluate choosing an update instead. In this video, Martin Seibert will tell you the advantages of an upgrade.

HipChat Server 1.0 released – Real Time Communication for Teams. Securely behind the Firewall

As announced during the 2013 Atlassian Summit, HipChat Server 1.0 was just released. Atlasssian’s professional team chat and instant messaging solution HipChat can now be run securely behind the Firewall. Great news for businesses in search of a straight forward, quick and slim platform for team communication and for whom a Cloud Service is not an option. Plans for HipChat Server start at $10 for up to 10 users per year. Proceeds from sales of the $10 starter version will be donated to charity. Read about all the features in this post…

Easy Events Plugin – Create Event Pages in Confluence

Integrate Events in Confluence more smoothly with the Easy Events Plugin. Sven Heß, who was involved in developing the plugin, and Martin Seibert take a look at the features of the plugin. By a simple click, a user can join the event and invite other participants. No need to create and update complicated tables. The plugin is available on the Atlassian Marketplace for only US$ 10 for unlimited users.

There’s life in paper yet: The InstaPrinta prints customized JIRA tickets for analog boards

The paper-less office was meant to banish all paper from the office. In agile teams, however, this does not apply and this is where InstaPrinta comes in. Admittedly, a tool like Atlassian’s JIRA is a great way to manage tasks. However, in day-to-day work, a digital Agile Board in JIRA does not have the same presence as a large magnet board right in the center a team office that is full of task notes. At a glance, every team member knows what needs to be done and who is working on what. Furthermore, the magnet board contains numerous additional sections like an improvement board, a skill matrix, an absence calendar and more. This makes the analog board the central “cockpit” for all information relevant to the teams.

Diagrams in Confluence: Comparison between Creately and draw.io

There are several solutions to implement diagramming functions in Confluence. Creately is one of them – compared to the matured draw.io, Creately is at a disadvantage. We have compared Creately and draw.io regarding central requirements. Here is a comparison of both diagramming tools, let’s take at a look at the five most important aspects. Flash vs. native Browser technologies: Creately is based on Flash. This has been problematic, since Flash is well known for it’s security weaknesses and it’s vulnerability. Many enterprises (especially in Enterprise environments) do not allow Flash for standard computer installations and don’t allow users to install Flash at a later point. draw.io, on the other hand, is based on the market leading diagramming technology mxGraph – the only library that works in any browser without plugins and completely client based.

Easy Events for Confluence: Save time organizing events in the company wiki

Events, team events and office parties take place in every company. Meetings and discussions are part of daily life at the office. Creating and operationalizing Confluence documents to organize acceptances and rejections is repetitive and time-consuming work. The EasyEvents Confluence plugin developed by //SEIBERT/MEDIA does a lot of this work for you.