Tag Archives: apps

Professional Mobile Apps for Group Chat, Intranet, etc.: A Blessing or a Curse?

Linchpin Mobile

There’s a trend that’s moving away from being always on and always available. Some companies even go so far as to prohibit checking email on smartphones outside of working hours and on weekends.

Nowadays, there are more enterprise software providers coming out with mobile apps. Would this constant email accessibility bring on additional stress? And employees aren’t just getting email. They also have to deal with work-related questions that could come up at any time via push notifications.

I’d like to share a few of my own thoughts and experiences.

Enterprise News Bundle for Confluence: News Categories and intelligent picture scaling

Enterprise News Bundle: Clickable categories

The professional administration of internal news is one of the most important must-haves for companies’ intranet solutions. The Enterprise News Bundle for Confluence enables this and makes it possible to show flexible, personalized news concepts for Confluence-based intranets. Version 1.4 delivers extensive improvements.

Microblogging for Confluence: New Sidebar for Searching, Subscribing and Filtering

Microblog topics

In the new version of Microblogging for Confluence, version 2.5, we’ve added a completely new sidebar for searching, subscribing and filtering. With this new release, Microblogging for Confluence provides additional customization options for your personal microblog timeline, making it much easier to find relevant posts, and enables a new way to stay on top of new microblog posts.