Agile Hive: A collaboration with KEGON

Essential SAFe

The larger the company, the more complex and multifaceted its structure becomes. Thanks to software solutions such as Scrum or Kanban, we can now scale planning and management processes, but they no longer cut it if you want to implement a comprehensive approach for all of your teams. Introducing: Agile Hive, our own SAFe with Atlassian tools, which made us a certified Scaled Agile Platform Partner and was developed together with our partner, KEGON.

Jan Einfach: Agile and Atlassian explained | A short introduction to “Agile Hive – SAFe with Atlassian Tools”

Are you thinking about implementing the scaled agile framework (SAFe) in order to meet your business needs? Curious about how Atlassian tools can help you achieve your goals?

In this video from “Jans Einfach” (Jans Easy), my goal is to give you a quick overview on how to use Agile Hive, our in-house developed solution that can help you manage your SAFe planning and your business.

Five to 50 things that employees can do for an agile organization

The dynamics of the modern-day business world mean that even large corporations cannot shy away from the changes that need to be made in organizational structures to keep up. Here we look at what organizations and employees can do to make their companies and corporations more agile and robust to the complexity and dynamics of today’s markets.

Tools4AgileTeams 2019: The Call for Sessions is open – submit your session proposals on the topic of Tools and Leadership now!


On the 21 and 22 November in Wiesbaden, we are running the eighth Tools4AgileTeams conference. Our team has been busy with the organization: We have a new location, tickets are available and Jurgen Appelo is our first keynote speaker! Now it is time to work on the sessions themselves: We’ve opened the Call for Sessions for anyone who is interested in presenting.

Agile Hive, scaling agile methods, SAFe software integration and more – Interview with Brandon Huff (cPrime)

Collaboration with partners is an important factor in the continuous development and improvement of our products. Here is a video interview with Brandon Huff from one such partner company, cPrime – a leading Atlassian expert. We talk about our software solution for the implementation of SAFe with Atlassian tools – Agile Hive – its potential from the viewpoint of a US partner, regional differences in scaling agile methods, the importance of comprehensive software integration, among other things.