All posts by mseibert

Integrating Jira into Confluence

Confluence and JIRA interact with one another very closely. In one of our live webinars, my colleague, Jan Kuntscher, and I demonstrate JIRA integration in Confluence. Not only do we show standard features such as individual operations, configurable process lists, and JIRA task list creation within Confluence, we also provide some helpful tips for features that may be unfamiliar to you.

Interactive Webinars for Customers: We Want Efficient, Informative and Entertaining Talks


There are obvious problems with in-person events: long travel times being just one. Online webinars often have their own set of problems, especially when they are bad sales pitches couched as useful presentations. We don’t want to run that type, so we propose a different format, handing control over to you, the participants. Sound interesting?

//SEIBERT/MEDIA’s Atlassian Enterprise Club Meeting on 28 March 2017

Atlassian Enterprise Club

Our first meeting of the Atlassian Enterprise Club at //SEIBERT/MEDIA is on 28 March 2017 in Wiesbaden, where customers can interact with Atlassian employees, with us, and with each other. This time, Keshav Puttaswamy, Head of Product, Atlassian Server joins us. Registration is free, and refreshments are provided. We’d love to have you join us!

Social Intranet: Linchpin Touch as a Solution for Legal Notice Obligations

Depending on the industry and the organization, there are various obligations for companies to display notices: certain laws must be publicly available to employees. A Linchpin intranet and a Linchpin Touch implementation on large interactive screens can help – and not just for this application.