Tag Archives: intranets

How to Optimize and own your own Profile on the Web and in Intranets

It’s been a simple JIRA issue at first with the summary: “Optimize your own public profile”. Every email I write contains a simple footer with my phone number and a link to my English profile page. I realize, that the importance of the linked page is rising. That’s how the JIRA issue about optimizing this page was created: I wanted to put some effort in my profile optimization. That’s why I am creating this blog post as a public documentation and a point for you to comment on and help me get more ideas.

Rollout Strategies – Use Social Intranets Company Wide

Linchpin Intranet

Rolling out a Social Intranet in the complete company will have an effect on your company culture. An intranet 2.0 is a tool that will start an orientation towards employees and self organization. And it is absolutely essential to involve the employees from the beginning. Which strategies are useful for the rollout? How to approach critics? Here are some useful tips.

The anti SharePoint speaker at Cebit: Why businesses don’t give intranet users what they want and need

Why do so many businesses use MS SharePoint as their intranet solution? Why do they give their users a system, that the often times don’t even want because there are far better collaboration tools out there. So it often leads to frustration instead of increased productivity and collaboration in daily business. In this post I am asking the question which corporate policies lead to these decisions.

MS SharePoint as a Wiki: Few Functions, less Compatibility

The basis for this article were recently constructed under the leadership of Martin Seibert at an open-space session at the WikiSym in Portugal. The original document is available in English under the title “How good is MS Sharepoint as a wiki?”

Without professional knowledge management, companies are losing potential, wasting resources, and acquiring unwanted competitive disadvantages. Along with many other companies, the industry giant Microsoft has rolled out its own application, SharePoint, which allows data to be centrally deposited and edited.

Social Intranet with Linchpin – Personalized Global Navigation

The Navigation Menu Editor plugin is one of the most visible part of the LINCHPIN social intranet. It offers a user specific navigation, based on the Custom User Profile Plugin. Depending on language, location, department, projects or other criteria, the navigation menu will adjust accordingly. Martin Seibert and Eric Klein give a brief introduction to the Navigation Menu Editor plugin in this video.

Organizational differences between intranet and Internet

You do not need to be an Internet professional to recognize the basic difference between a company’s intranet and its online presence. An intranet, the internal system, is protected against external access and contains non-public information. Online content, however, can be accessed by anyone. If you take a closer look, it’s clear that many different aspects must be considered and play an important role. We will therefore turn our attention in these two articles to the question of how to differentiate between an intranet and a website. First, we will look at the organizational aspects before dealing with the technical aspects in the following article.