Why healthy social interaction is important in companies

Why healthy social interaction is important in companies

The importance of social interaction is often underestimated by companies. The focus is more on the work that needs to be done and the company itself than the most important assets of the company: the people who work there. The New Work culture changes all of that. Read on to find out more about this trend and what has changed with the current pandemic.

Linchpin Hey Is More Than a Social Intranet: From Congratulations and Hey Fives to Confetti

linchpin hey congratulations hey fives confetti

Employees of companies want to be part of a community, but the current trend (and necessity) of working from home can make building social connections quite difficult. We become so-called “Lonely Workers”, reaching out to others and asking them for help less and less, because they’re not physically close to us. It is now up to companies to offer solutions to make social interactions possible – solutions like Linchpin Hey.

SAFe Implementation Roadmap Part 7: Coach Agile Release Train (ART) execution

SAFe Implementation Roadmap Part 1

In part 6 of this series, you learned how to train your teams to lead up to your first ART launch. But just because SAFe Program Consultants (SPCs) have trained the teams does not mean they are completely agile yet. The agile teams need practice to truly hone their skills, and the SPCs need to be available to harness those skills. For these reasons, the Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE) should make a concentrated effort to coach agile execution. But what does that actually look like?