Tag Archives: social intranets

Intranet Surveys for Employees: Examples, Tips, Pitfalls, Explanations and Links

Survey questions

Employee surveys may have some hurdles that can be annoying, or sometimes downright obstructive. We are currently working on employee surveys for a new intranet project, and this is my contribution to the conceptualization phase. If you are in a similar situation, the following thoughts and examples may be useful.

Intranets From the Point of View of the Employee Representatives: Tips, Tricks and Mistakes

Intranet linchpin connect with colleagues

When introducing an intranet, there are often fundamental misunderstandings with the members of the employee representative group or worker’s council. This post is intended to remedy some of the common misunderstandings, and provide the employee representatives with useful tips for involvement in an intranet project.

From Intranet 1.0 to the Modern Intranet

Intranet linchpin connect with colleagues

The intranet started its triumphant progress about 20 years ago. However, it’s only recently that corporations started to focus on their intranets’ true stakeholders: the employees. Not long after the emergence of intranets in organizations, those responsible for them started to ask what a modern intranet actually is. After all, no one wants to set up an outdated system that employees don’t want to use. Today, in the times of digital transformation and Generation Y, intranets are at least as important as 10 or 15 years ago. But what is a modern intranet nowadays? Is a ‘social intranet’ with user profiles, status updates, communities and chats sufficient?

Atlassian Summit 2016: Linchpin and draw.io Information Sessions for Partners, Linchpin Deep-Dive Sessions

Atlassian Summit logo

Our trip to San José for Atlassian Summit 2016 is almost upon us, and we are looking forward to an eventful and busy time. Atlassian’s yearly user conference is from 11 to 13 October. We offer all conference attendees the opportunity to get to know us and our Confluence-based intranet Linchpin better, both before and during the conference. We have a full agenda.