Tag Archives: diagramming

Diagrams in Confluence and JIRA: draw.io versus Gliffy

draw.io allows the creation of a diverse range of diagrams within Confluence and JIRA via an intuitive and responsive interface. Possible diagrams are flow charts, network diagrams, org charts, UML diagrams, mind maps and many more. draw.io is based on a market leading diagram technology that has been developed by JGraph in 2005 and therefore has matured a lot by now. In 2012 the application draw.io was created and is available as a plugin on the Atlassian Marketplace, directly offered by //SEIBERT/MEDIA.

Diagrams in Confluence: Comparison between Creately and draw.io

There are several solutions to implement diagramming functions in Confluence. Creately is one of them – compared to the matured draw.io, Creately is at a disadvantage. We have compared Creately and draw.io regarding central requirements. Here is a comparison of both diagramming tools, let’s take at a look at the five most important aspects. Flash vs. native Browser technologies: Creately is based on Flash. This has been problematic, since Flash is well known for it’s security weaknesses and it’s vulnerability. Many enterprises (especially in Enterprise environments) do not allow Flash for standard computer installations and don’t allow users to install Flash at a later point. draw.io, on the other hand, is based on the market leading diagramming technology mxGraph – the only library that works in any browser without plugins and completely client based.

draw.io: Professional Diagrams in Confluence and JIRA

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draw.io is a sophisticated diagramming plugin for Confluence and JIRA, created by JGraph. With draw.io you can quickly and easily create a wide range of diagrams in both Confluence and JIRA: flow charts, network diagrams, org charts, UML diagrams, mind maps, and many more. Here are some examples. The underlying core technology, mxGraph, has been in development since 2005 and today is the market reference implementation. In 2012, the draw.io plugin for Confluence was created for the Atlassian Marketplace, these are some of the advantages of draw.io for Confluence and JIRA.