All posts by btobin

The Importance of Social Relationships at Work

Social relationships at work are crucial. We spend most of our waking hours at our place of work. It makes sense then that we should focus on developing social relationships at our de facto primary residence. Given that such relationships are conducive to well-being, a company that facilitates these relationships has an advantage over one that does not. Learn how to improve your workplace.

The Risk of Not Socializing Enough at Work – And How a Social Intranet Can Help

The Risk of Not Socializing Enough at Work - thumbnail

Humans are social creatures and for the past couple of years, socializing has been quite difficult because colleagues don’t spontaneously see each other anymore in the hallways at the office, since many of them are now working from home. This means there’s a real risk of them feeling increasingly lonely, which can have all sorts of negative effects. Read on to find out how you can help combat this as a company using a social intranet.

What Defines Modern Intranets?

linchpin what defines modern intranets

Intranets nowadays, known as employee engagement intranets or social intranets, are leaps and bounds ahead of their ancestors and continue to improve. The use of modern intranets is only expected to increase, maybe even until they replace the physical office completely. But what defines an intranet?

How To Master Your Intranet Introductory Project

linchpin suite How To Master Your Intranet Introductory Project

The time may come for your organization when it decides that it would benefit from a corporate intranet. In order for the intranet deployment to be successful, the organization must first define the problems that it intends to solve or mitigate. Defining how an intranet will address these problems will be instrumental in selecting the right one for adoption. The phases that constitute the intranet adoption process are described below.

How To Measure Success In An Intranet Project

how to measure success in an intranet project

Some things are easier to measure than others. How many blog posts you’ve published on your weblog is easy to find out, but how successful your intranet is, is a whole different story. You’ll need to define your interpretation of “success” yourself, which in the case of an intranet often involves 3 things: hosting company content, reaching all employees and making communication easier. Read on to see how to opti