Atlassian #Summit13: Impressions From The “Summit Bash!” Party

The second day of the Atlassian Summit 2013 was completed by the Summit Bash! party. At CityView at Metreon we could soak up San Francisco’s city skyline. Atlassian did spring for piles of food and drinks for all tastes and we had great fun and a lot of networking. Here are some impressions:

Pics 1 & 2: Awesome panorama for an awesome party!

Pics 3 & 4: Great networking with many kind people!

Pic 5: Party time! So let's try out Google Glass! (Uta, //SEIBERT/MEDIA Corp.)

Pic 6: A proper cake for Atlassian's president Jay Simons - happy birthday!

Pic 7: But hey - it's Atlassian Summit 2013! So we had to work a bit after that great event... (Uta and Martin, //SEIBERT/MEDIA Corp.)

Please find more pictures and impressions on Flickr. Thanks to Atlassian for the #summit13 and the smashing Summit Bash! 😀

Further information:
Our page about the Summit with all important information
Atlassian Summit 2013: Impressions From The Ecosystem Partner Day
Website of the Atlassian Summit 2013

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