Es gibt inzwischen unglaublich viele Optionen und PlugIns für Skype. Eine umfassende Übersicht findet sich im Share-Skype-Directory.
Eine gute Übersicht über einige PlugIns gibt auch das Skype Journal im Artikel Skype Software Add-on Picks in englischer Sprache.
Hier meine Auswahl:
- Ein freies Skype-Outlook-PlugIn
- Jybe - Gemeinsam Surfen im Web
Using JYBE 2.0 multiple people can browse web pages together, share documents, make VoIP calls using SKYPE, and send join-me invitations via e-mail and instant message. The company also announced the JYBE Server for organizations that want to unlock the power of browserbased collaboration for presentations, training, team projects, and virtual reference. The JYBE 2.0 plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Firefox is available at
- InstaColl - peer-to-peer document collaboration
InstaColl is a powerful peer-to-peer collaboration engine that seamlessly converts mainstream productivity applications such as the Microsoft Office suite from static standalone tools to interactive, collaborative platforms.
- Intranet Skype - SkypeName in Corporate LDAP directory
Adding SkypeName to the corporate LDAP directory, like Microsoft Active Directory, enables various applications to leverage this information, e.g. the corporate phonebook application can provide SkypeMe links to people, thereby increasing usage of free and powerfull tools.
The tool automatically search for users SkypeName and, if found, adds the value to LDAP. - Pamela - Ein digitaler Anrufbeantworter auf Text- und Sprachbasis. Hier eine komplette Funktionsübersicht der freien und kostenpflichtigen Varianten.
- Komplett freies Video-PlugIn für Skype
- Festoon - Video-Telefonie für Skype und Google Talk (eher für Privatleute)
Für alle, die lieber selbst ein PlugIn basteln wollen, gibt es einen Film und die Programmierer-Doku in dem Artikel "Introduction to the Skype API".
Ein paar Statistiken über Skype:
- 4 million online users online
- At peak time, we’re pumping out close to 10 downloads a second. That’s almost a million downloads every single day by now. Not quite a million every day yet, but we’re getting there.
- The download traffic at peak time adds up to 500 Mbit/sec, or 0.5 Gbit/sec. That’s 500 times more than an average 1 Mbit home “broadband” connection.
- We got from 0 to 100M downloads in 595 days, from 100M to 150M in 124 days, from 150M to 200M in 83 days. There’s no signs of the pace slowing down.
- Take all of the figures with a grain of salt, since obviously not every download is completed and ends with an installation. But it’s still cool.
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