Maximize your team's impact with expert Jira Confluence Trello Bitbucket Atlassian advice

With over 15 years of experience as at Atlassian partner, Seibert Solutions US is ready to plan, build, and deploy your digital transformation to level up organization-wide productivity.

Atlassian Administrators at Fortune Global 500 companies choose Seibert


Make the most out of your Atlassian setup

Work with our team of Atlassian licensing and technical experts to maximize your team’s productivity with the Atlassian toolset. Schedule a free consultation and analysis of your Atlassian instances to uncover areas for cost savings.

App & core product redundancy analysis
Site analysis to right-size licensing
Dedicated point of contact
Competitive pricing on Marketplace apps
Recommendations to maximize ROI

Your Atlassian questions, answered.

Browse our collection of whitepapers, e-books, webinars and other resources designed to help you navigate the Atlassian ecosystem with ease.

Jira Service Mangement vs. ServiceNow

Compare Jira Service Management to ServiceNow in this whitepaper, which highlights six reasons to choose Jira, and gives an overview of the Jira Service Management features that allow your team to deliver great service.

Demystifying the End of Jira Work Management (JWM)

As of May 2024, Jira Work Management is no longer available to purchase. By the end of October 2024, JWM will merge with Jira Software to create one tool: Jira. In this webinar, we’ll answer your top questions about JWM.

Cloud Data Migration Guide

This e-book guide is designed to help you navigate the prep work that will make your migration adventure as smooth as possible, and choose the path that’s right for you when you come to a fork in the road.

Over 15 Years of Atlassian Experience

Seibert has been an official Atlassian Solution Partner since 2009. With over a decade of experience deploying agile transformations, we’re excited to help you maximize the value of your Atlassian investment.

Solution Partner