Add new agile estimation techniques to Jira issues

Want to do sprint planning with fewer headaches?
Add new agile estimation techniques to Jira issues

Offer teams more ways to estimate work

Out of the box, Jira only lets teams estimate their issues in story points or time. Story points are considered easier, more accurate, and more focused on value, but they’re often misused. Some teams mentally equate story points to hours/days or wind up endlessly debating whether a Jira ticket is worth 5 points or 8.

With Awesome Custom Fields, teams can estimate work in a range of different, better ways, directly on a Jira ticket. You can ditch numbers altogether and estimate issues in T-shirt sizes, with a graphic of an actual T-shirt displayed on your ticket. Or you can estimate issues in monetary values with a colorful price tag.

Both are highly visual alternatives to using a custom number or text field, which make sprint planning quicker and more fun and your tickets easier to understand at a glance.

Calculate story points and other estimation statistics automatically

One of the ways teams try to make story point estimation easier and more consistent is by assigning values to various determiners first, e.g. effort, complexity, risk, level of collaboration and experience required. The team then has to add up these figures to give an overall score for how much work the task will entail.

Similarly, if you use the ICE (impact, confidence, ease) method to estimate and prioritize your Jira work, then you’re assigning values to three factors and multiplying them to give a final score. This score helps you decide what issues to work on first.

Calculating story points or ICE factors manually takes time and is prone to error. You can use Jira automation rules to do the calculations for you, but configuring the rules is complex, time-consuming, and requires a deep understanding of automation logic. Maintaining these rules can become cumbersome, especially as the criteria for calculations evolve over time.

With Awesome Custom Fields, you can use the advanced formula field to simplify the calculation process, quickly setting up a formula that takes values from other fields into account. You can choose how exact your final scores are (integers vs up to two decimal places), the size of the icon displaying the number, and the color, which can be different for different values.

This makes your estimates more accurate and predictable, and your sprint planning faster and more rewarding.


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